“Your presence on Earth is needed, that’s why you are here.” This is one of the important and insightful messages that Kathleen Booker has for us. In this special interview with MysticMag, she explains to us how breathwork can help in your daily routine, set healthy boundaries and quiet our minds.
Don’t miss this great interview with the Jedi of Calm!
I love your nickname “The Jedi of Calm”! How did you come up with it?
It was one of those magical moments when everything comes together – serendipity. I liken the moment to what the book “A Course of Miracles”, calls a holy instant. For me a holy instant is when you are aligned, resting in your “innermost holy of holies”, connected with the Divine, one with all there is. In those moments, everything is quiet. That’s how I got the name Jedi of Calm.
How does learning breathwork help in our daily routine?
Nowadays, there’s a lot of confusion and conflict going on – inner and outer conflict. There are more people now who talk about how overwhelmed they are.
They can’t seem to catch up and feel there’s so much put upon their shoulders that not only do they have to produce for their employers, they feel an impetus to show up and do more and more in their personal lives above and beyond their mental and physical capacity.
Everybody’s feeling overwhelmed. It’s like a big cloud, a shroud in the atmosphere. The arrival of COVID has spread and exacerbated an energetic heaviness in the world. We are constantly bombarded via news feeds and social media of impending doom and gloom.
And, simultaneously present in the Universe is love and peace. The breath supports us first and foremost to tap into and rest in our innermost holy of holies, to remember the peace and the calm within ourselves.
There is a place within us that is peaceful and can’t be taken from us nor given away. The breath guides us to release the heaviness of the shroud of all that’s going on in the world, to be able to recharge within our innermost place of peace.
Yesterday I read in A Course in Miracle’s: “Love created me like Itself – Love cannot leave Itself”. That means I am part of limitlessness and the breath supports us to remember it.
That doesn’t mean everything is going to be seen through rose-colored glasses . As I always say, “Life is gonna life!”. Serious things are going on: people are grieving the loss of loved ones, loss of jobs, not enough money to eat or pay their mortgage/rent…
However, our Breath guides us to clarity, strength and courage…and the guidance and energy to move forward.
The culture of instant gratification and the search for quick solutions could be a source of stress and even depression. But they are very present in our professional routines and lifestyle. How do you handle that with your clients?
Yes, ‘instant gratification’ is attempting to become the ‘norm’ in culture today. This can/will lead to feeling overwhelmed and stress. Your Breath gives you the ability to speak your authentic truth and set healthy boundaries for yourself. The Breath gives you the strength and clarity to create healthy boundaries for yourself in a courageous, clear, self-supporting way.
Possibly, this may lead to you releasing your current place of employment and embracing a position elsewhere that supports your highest and greatest good.
The key is that it is done with inner guidance, focus and from your inner place of power…not from fear or not enough-ness consciousness. That is who we are now and it is not determined by external validation.
In your experience can anybody cure or improve with your technique?
The question ought to be “What can’t the Breath do? The breath is life. It touches and flows through every single cell of your body. There’s no portion of you untouched by it…mind and body!
When doing exercises to create breathing awareness/oneness, does one need a special room or ambience?
At times, my clients are in a jam and call me for support. They may not be in a place that is totally quiet. That’s why you have a breath practice: it helps dropping into breathing easily pretty much anywhere, anytime – sometimes.
Preferably, my clients would be some place quiet for a session. But I’ve done breathwork sessions in maximum security prisons, in large grocery stores, school auditoriums, theaters… Pretty much anywhere and am able to guide them with the Breath.
Do you have to adapt your approach to busy ambiences?
I’ll tell you with deep humility: I’m good at what I do. I am able to support people to feel safe…then the Breath takes over. And, most people are willing to release the stressors of the day. The world is going on a 24/7 loop. Similar to a perpetual hamster wheel. The Breath enables us to quiet our minds and get off the hamster wheel.
Do you have a special message to our audience?
My message is: you matter! What you think matters, how you feel matters, what you have to say matters. Your presence on Earth is needed, that’s why you are here. You matter!