Ann Sinclair is a Clairvoyant Medium, Spiritual Artist and Intuitive Life Coach based in the United Kingdom. She offers a wide array of services and told us a bit about her story, how she discovered her gift and what people are looking for when they book a session. Check out the interview below!
When did you discover your gift?
When I was very little, under school age probably, I had a sense of being very different from other children and more sensitive to energies around me. I used to feel like I could physically feel the energy of the spring rising after winter and the plants coming up from the earth and growing.
I remember feeling quite intrigued with this although as I got older as a teenager, I blocked it out wanting to fit in with my friends rather than being seen to be different. There was a difficult period in my life in my late 20’s and during that time I came across a friend who persuaded me to have a Tarot reading with one of her friends and it proved to be so accurate that I went out and got my first tarot cards to learn myself.
This got me on the fascinating journey of learning how to look at the cards and get advice and guidance from spirit. Under the supervision of the friend who used to guide my understanding of the Tarot via letters in those days. I’d do a spread and post it to him, then he’d give me his thoughts on it. I still use the same deck 30 years later though I’ve been through many packs since I first started.
Intrigued with this new world opening up to me, I went to many workshops, courses and spiritualist meetings over the coming years. For a period I had a partner who was a Shamanic healer, who taught me how to meditate and bring through spirit guides during meditations.
During that time, he took me to many workshops and amazing healing experiences and it made me realise that there was something here that I’d be searching for all my life unfolding in front of me. I learnt how to bring through my gatekeeper spirit guide, who at the time gave me four very significant messages about things coming up in my life.
The messages were so particular to people close to me and so life changing that I was a little shocked at the information, questioning in my mind whether I had imagined it all. Every single one of those events came about and were particularly significant in changing my life.
At the end of that period, I knew that this had happened to help me believe in spirit and I felt I needed to do something with that knowledge. Shortly after that, I was out shopping in a town I didn’t normally go to and went down the little alleyway and came across a spiritual shop.
There was a woman doing half-hour readings inside and I spontaneously decided to have a reading, during which time she told me my life story, which was unbelievably detailed. At the end of that, she told me to keep in touch because we’d work together in the future. I walked away thinking how strange it was that I’d come across her by chance and that she was able to tell me so much about where I was in my life so accurately. At that time I didn’t understand how spiritual synchronicity worked.
I did keep in touch and eventually did a bit of training with her to learn to for read for other people. She rang me up one day to say that she’d found somewhere to rent in London to do readings from and did I want to join her. So we started working together in a rented room in the Seven Dials near Covent Garden, in London. That’s how I started. After a period of time I decided didn’t really want to carry on going to London to work but eventually I started doing readings from home in my spare time as I was also working full time.
One thing led to another, and I started working at local spiritual events at weekends, which was really good to meet a lot of like minded people in the spiritual arena and to gain a lot of experience. I also worked in a spiritual shop doing readings as well as on psychic phone lines and on Psychic Today Sky TV.
In the following years, I expanded my area of expertise beyond predictive readings, mainly because I was finding out when I tuned in to clients where they were most stuck in their lives. Whether it was their soul purpose or past life problems, or a particular anxiety or block.
I found myself also working more with mediumship, healing work and intuitive counselling, to help people understand their journey and empower them to move forward and take responsibility for their choices. Later I trained as a psychic artist and started to paint channeled art which I am now starting to sell on Etsy.
What are the most frequent concerns coming up in your readings?
For most people, it’s relationships and love, anxiety, personal happiness, how they are feeling about themselves and their life direction. However I do readings on all matters including finances, soulmates, legal situations, soul purpose and finding our journey.
A lot of people on their spiritual path believe we carry on doing inner work until the day we die, so we are always finding layers that need some work and are triggered by other people or situations – and that’s a good thing, because we are evolving!
You offer sessions through many channels. Is there any difference in the process for each channel or is it all the same?
A lot of people like to see me, so I do use WhatsApp and FaceTime and Skype with video. But I’ve also been working with clients over the phone for years , and we’ve never seen each other during that time. The feedback is it all works equally well. Around 80% of my clients use video and the rest use phone.
In the past, I’ve done a lot of face-to-face work but, after the lockdown, most people came to the stage of actually preferring the online work. People can often book a reading within a few days and they don’t need to go anywhere but do it from the comfort of their home, office or car and it’s quick and easy to book online. With the healing online people feel the sensations of the angelic Reiki or the clearing because it’s energy work. Distance means nothing, you know with energy work and healing.
Your services include clairvoyance, medium readings, angel readings, past-life healing and many more. How do you know which of these the patient needs the most?
I usually do a reading first or have a chat and we talk about what’s the main topic to focus on. It’s all intuitive work so I’m guided by what’s bought through to me from my guides. Other times, people come with the idea of what they want to work on or look at.
There’s a number of tools I can use: angelic healing, angelic clearing, Reiki or energy clearing. I work with crystals a lot in my healing, as well as doing past-life clearing, soulmate and relationship readings, pet readings and now more recently I do a lot of intuitive counselling with clients who prefer to use the spiritual insight and guidance on a regular basis.
I also train psychics, mediums and offer spiritual development for those just starting on their journey. My work as psychic artist has taken me to start selling my channelled artwork online as digital downloads. It’s nice to have a range of different services to offer clients and it keeps the work very interesting as no two days are alike.