Cassandra Tyndall, is an astrological consultant who finds immense joy in helping people unravel who they are and where they are going through this mystical and magical thing called astrology. Through her online teaching platform and monthly Golden Circle Club, you can join thousands of others who learn how to empower themselves to lead a divinely inspired life.
How did you first become interested in astrology?
When I was a kid, I loved reading horoscopes in the newspaper and in magazines. I’d read the stars and think about the people I knew and how it was playing out for them. Then I’d go to school and tell my friends all about themselves and they loved it! I didn’t know much else about astrology at the time, but when I was in my mid – 20’s I signed up for an astrology class I heard about. I had no idea what I was in for, but as they say, the rest is history!
What is it about astrology that resonates with you?
It’s probably one of the only things I’ve done in my life that hasn’t bored me! What I love about it the most is how the language of the sky resonates with my clients and students. Those penny drop moments when I share what I know and help others connect the dots in their own life and experience is so satisfying to me!
How can people best utilize astrology in their daily lives?
Follow the Moon! Get a reading! And learn enough about their own chart so they can get a feel for how the moving sky will interact with it.
How do you approach negative aspects?
Even the positive ones can turn out to be negative. It’s really all about the weather. When you understand what to prepare for, then you’re not impacted so adversely by it. When you can understand the karma you’ve been dealt with in your own chart, you can use your free will to navigate it. The negative bits in the chart are often our greatest assets and teachers!
Where would be the best place to start for someone who is interested in getting started in astrology?
Find a teacher they resonate with and spend around two years learning all they have to share. Then begin branching out from there!
Lastly are there any significant upcoming astrological events that we should be aware of?
At the moment, Jupiter is in Pisces. While on paper this is lovely, it can also be a time of tiredness, fatigue and not as productive as we might like our lives to feel at the beginning of 2022! This will likely intensify as Jupiter fuses with Neptune in April. It may be the rest we all need, even if we don’t really want it!