Tracy Lee Nash is the founder of Within The Light; a Metaphysical, spiritual and wellness ministry dedicated to empowering, teaching and promoting the belief we are not only intuitive beings meant to live beyond our five senses, but that the continuity of life doesn’t end even in “death.”
When did you first realize you have a psychic gift and what inspired you to guide people in their life challenges?
I first realized I was intuitive (although I didn’t know at that age this was what you called it) when I was four years old and in kindergarten. We were instructed to write the letters of the alphabet, but I was struggling with the letter R as we had to write it in cursive. As I was writing, I could see the teacher coming towards me out the corner of my eye and she had this “angry energy.” I could just sense it, sense that I was going to be in trouble for my work. And as she approached, she knelt down beside me took one look at my work and said “What? Are you stupid, you don’t know how to write the letter R?” And proceeded to pull my ear as she scolded my penmanship.
My spiritual journey began at eight years old when my neighbor introduced me to palmistry. The moment she took my hand and began to trace the lines and explain what each one was I became absolutely memorized by it, not only because it was fascinating to listen to her describe the lines, but because I could “feel” and “sense” her energy as she held my hand. From that time on I would read whatever I could about the supernatural and the different types of modalities, subjects, etc. offered. As I became a teenager I knew I was interested in utilizing my abilities, but I didn’t know to what degree or how my life path would evolve into doing this type of work until I simply started doing it and reading people’s vibrations.
What have you found are the more popular aspects that clients mostly seek advice on and is there a certain area that you specialize in?
Clients ask me a variety of questions from the type of career they should be working in to whether or not their current relationship will last and honestly everything in between. If I had to choose, however, I would say life path and relationship status are two pretty consistent questions I am often asked. I would say both my intuitive and mediumship abilities are often requested and within the field of both modalities I would say seeing clients colors (I refer to them as personal vibrational shades) and grief assistance are two of my most prominent abilities.
One of the services that you provide is a color reading. Could you tell us what this entails and how this differs from an intuitive reading?
A color reading aka personal vibrational colors is a type of reading whereby the clients colors literally emit from their body in the form of colored squares that are situated over the client from the most dominant color to the least dominant. The squares are literally arranged over the clients body approximately two inches above their head and approximately five inches below the belly button. A color reading is still an intuitive reading it’s just a different way of gaining insight into the clients life by intuitively “reading” their colors which takes a look at their personality, their strengths, their challenges within those colors and how they can help or hinder their lives.
What led you to Found the Good Grief Circle and how can this help people that are looking for hope or are in search of closure?
I founded The Good Grief Circle as a way to bring people together whether it’s family, friends or even strangers, so that they could share in the experience of not only having a reading and connecting with a loved one, but in also providing support for one another in their journey with grief. Although it may sound counter intuitive to combine the words “good and grief” I wanted to express through my work as a medium that although something can be extremely painful such as losing a loved one, there is still something good that can come from our grief, such as receiving messages and understanding through that connection with the medium and spirit that love survives “death.” That even though someone has physically left their body, there is a life beyond this life and that love, connection, bond lives on simply in a different form and there is something incredibly healing when we are receiving communication from a parent, sibling, child, etc. because it shows us they haven’t truly left us completely, they’re just occupying space in a different way. While I am careful not to use the word closure because I don’t believe we ever can truly have closure, I do believe receiving messages from loved ones not only gives people hope this is not the end but merely a new beginning, but that we will see our loved ones again one day, and be reunited with them.
Have you found over recent years that a more diverse clientele has developed with an increased interest to access spiritual guidance and turn to mediums as a form of therapy?
Yes, I would say that’s true with regards to a more varied clientele base. I have been providing readings for over 30 years and have noticed that probably within the last ten years or so there has been an increase in the types of clients coming to me: atheists, doctors, nurses, mental health therapists, etc. It seems those who work in the field of science particularly, are more open-minded than say, fifteen or twenty years ago when there was much more resistance with regards to the subject of mediumship. I am not saying it still isn’t scrutinized and/or those who are mediums are not criticized or accepted with open arms because they aren’t and there is still a lot of controversy surrounding the work of a medium-particularly in Western culture- but I feel it has seen an uptick in interest for sure.
Seeking the assistance of a medium as an alternative resource for those grieving is still a hot button issue I feel, as some circles-most notably in the field of grief counseling-don’t necessarily look favorably on mediumship as a therapeutic tool even though it can be. I have had counselors reach out to me because they didn’t feel they could do anymore for their patient and thought perhaps a more non-traditional approach with regards to their patients grief may be effective. And in most cases, at least with the clients I’ve worked with, it has been. I even had one counselor tell me I did more for his patient in one session than he could do in one year. So, yes, depending on the client, their receptivity to having a reading and in some way suspending their beliefs and/or pre-judgement they may have with regards to communicating with a “deceased” loved one, their experience can be very fulfilling and helpful in their grief process.
In your experience in working with people, what would you say is the number one thing that holds most people back from living the fulfilling life they would like to live?
Not feeling worthy enough. Not feeling as though they actually deserve to be happy, to be loved, to be successful. So, oftentimes they find themselves existing rather than living and over time this kind of “vibrational complacency” as I like to refer to it becomes routine-stagnant and routine-and they accept this as normal, and in some cases I feel, as punishment for something they believe they did to deserve to suffer in this manner.
Do you have any advice for our readers seeking guidance or support?
If you’re seeking guidance or support whether it’s because you’re struggling with grief in the loss of a loved one or you are looking for insight into various aspects of your life; career, relationships, your own spiritual development, etc. first of all, make sure you find someone credible to assist you. For example, ask someone you trust if there is anyone they would recommend either because they have personally used their services or know someone who has. Reading reviews on someone whose services you may want to utilize can also be helpful. Research organizations, groups, etc. that might largely focus on mediumship, intuitive guidance or other wellness modalities you may be interested in. Unfortunately, just as with any line of work, however, fraud can occur. So, the more proactive you are in taking the time to investigate what resonates the most with you, what it is you are looking for and want to accomplish, the better equipped you are to make decisions that will have a positive outcome for you.