MysticMag chats with Rev. Colleen Vanderzyden, Lily Dale Registered Medium, Certified Intuitive Life Coach & Spiritual Teacher. Colleen specializes in connection and guidance, with the ability to reconnect to loved ones and as an intuitive coach can help guide you in reconnecting you with yourself, tapping into your inner wisdom to confidently handle anything.
When did you first realize you have a psychic gift and what inspired you to continue this path professionally?
I feel like I’ve always been psychic. Even as a child, I would have premonitions or knowings about certain things. I used to tell people what would be on school tests before we took them. I would know that a car was going to drive directly in front of me and could take action to prevent an accident.
I didn’t have mediumship experiences until I was well into adulthood. Spirit kept telling me I needed to become a medium and talk to people on the other side. At the time, I wasn’t interested but they wouldn’t leave me alone. I finally told them if they really wanted me to do it, they needed to bring me the right teachers to make sure I was doing it ethically. And they did. While studying and practicing, I realized this was absolutely part of my spiritual path and purpose. It is such a blessing to help people reconnect with their loved ones. Every day I continue to be amazed at spirit communication and how healing it can be.
How long have you lived in Lily Dale?
I lived in a nearby town and started visiting Lily Dale in 2000. Eight years ago, when I became a Registered medium, I bought a house. I moved into the community full-time during 2020.
What do you love most about this town?
Lily Dale is a spiritual place that offers healing and peace. I love the serenity as I’m walking in the woods, visiting the beach, and looking at the lake from my porch. This the perfect place to recharge and maintain my spiritual connection.
Do many people come to you in hope for answers, or in search of closure? If so, how often are you able to fill that void for them and what does it feel like?
Surprisingly, it is a smaller percentage of my clients who need answers or closure from spirit. For those who have that need, spirit is usually quite accommodating and will come in with a nice, strong connection. When this happens, it can be stunning. Information will come through that only the client or other family members may know. It affirms the belief that our souls do continue. A reading like this leaves me and the client in awe.
How do your readings usually come to you? Are they clear images or do you prefer certain tools in interpreting them?
I call myself a “feeler.” Spirit will blend with me as though their body is in mine. I might feel how they passed or if they have a sore ankle. I will sometimes physically move in the same way the spirit did. My voice has been known to sound like someone else’s and there have even been occurrences where I’ve been told by clients that I look like their spirits.
Because we’re blended, I can feel the spirit’s emotions, thoughts and energy. Sometimes I feel like I get a download of information and just know things. I will say anything that pops into my head during a reading because I’ve learned that what may appear unimportant or random, is frequently what needs to be said.
You are also a certified life coach. Have you found over recent years that a more diverse clientele has developed with an increased interest to access spiritual guidance and turn to mediums as a form of therapy?
In terms of therapy, it’s rare for me to experience someone expecting me to be a counselor. However, there has been a notable increase in clients who are searching for spiritual solutions and guidance. They may initially come to see me for a mediumship reading, but they’re not particularly interested in spirit communication in the typical manner.
They’re more concerned about uncertain situations, questioning their path or purpose, or struggling with challenges. They’re looking for reassurance and hoping spirit will provide solutions. Rather than a reading, they’re in need of intuitive life coaching.
This wouldn’t be psychic or mediumship work but instead suggestions from spiritual guides on how to best move forward as they reconnect with the power of their true self. Many people are waking up to the spiritual realization that living in alignment with our true selves is essential. They may need a partner on this journey and that’s when I step in as a life coach. I help them peel back the layers that have built up around them, revealing their spiritual essence. When we’re living in authenticity, we look at life differently and are better equipped to handle our difficulties. We’re reconnecting with our innate wisdom and increasing our joy.
Do you have any advice to give someone trying to develop a richer connection with themselves?
My advice for those seeking a richer self-connection, would be to look at every situation as on opportunity to learn more about yourself. If you’re not happy, what can you do to change it? While you may not be able to change your physical circumstances, you always have the power to choose your response.
As you learn more about yourself, you’ll discover unware beliefs that have influenced your perceptions of who you are and how life works. If you’re unhappy, blaming, or stuck in emotional turmoil, this is the perfect time to explore your beliefs and transform or release those that are no longer valid or helpful. You’ll learn to check in with yourself to see what your truth is, becoming more intentional in your choices. You’ll reclaim your inner power.
Lastly, you are in the process of finalizing your book. Could you tell us a bit more on that?
My book is currently titled, Courageously You – Embrace Your Power and Reignite Your Joy. It should be available in September of 2021. I wrote Courageously You to help people reconnect with who they truly are, so they can reclaim their power and create the joyful life they want and deserve. So many of us have felt stuck, believing we’re not good enough or that we’re powerless to change our lives and be happier. Much of my life was spent in fear, trying to keep myself safe from being judged. I became a controlling perfectionist and stressed-out, people-pleaser. I struggled to handle challenges, trapped in an endless cycle of worry. It seemed like life couldn’t get better.
And one day, over twenty years ago, I woke up to the shocking realization I had no idea who I was. Due to life situations and societal programming, I had completely disconnected from my truth. I knew I wanted more out of my life and the way I was living, was no longer acceptable. I was tired of the stress, self-doubt, and worry. I intuitively knew the only way to change my life and reignite my joy, was to step on a self-discovery journey.
A few years later, after learning more about myself, I realized I was happier and less stressed. I was astonished to discover I had accidentally created and compiled strategies to help myself feel better as I handled unpleasant or difficult situations. These Magical Mind Games changed my life.
Rather than wallowing in the voice of my inner critic or complaining about unpleasant situations, stuck in the false belief that I’m not good enough, I had implemented a new way of responding to my challenges. No longer feeling powerless, I had learned to intentionally live in my truth, reigniting my joy and a passion for living.
These Magical Mind Games form the foundation of my book. Using real-life situations, Courageously You clearly explains how you can also reclaim the power of your true self. Playing with my games, you’ll learn how to shift your perceptions out of negativity, doubt, or fear so you can create the joyful life you deserve. My book is a resource to help you release anything that’s holding you back from living your most meaningful life. It’s time to be Courageously You!