Have you ever been in a relationship that you would love to forget? A toxic friend, an unprofessional boss that just keeps crossing the line, or an ex you are still obsessing over?
Whoever that person may be, clinging on to the thought of them can actually become unhealthy. But how do you just stop thinking about someone, especially when they have had an impact on your life?
I have been there before and I picked up some useful tips along the way to help me get over someone who is no longer in my life. Here are some of them.
How to Stop Thinking About Someone Once and for All
1. Get closure
When we’ve been hurt by someone, we tend to bottle up our questions and feelings.
You may lash out in anger before leaving that person for good, thinking you expressed yourself through that confrontation.
Still, it’s typical for feelings to escalate during a conflict, potentially obscuring your reasoning. When things calm down, you may discover yourself reflecting on the causes – inquiries that could help you make peace with your decision to separate.
If those questions go unanswered, it might be difficult to stop thinking about that person.
The text suggests that meeting in a neutral place can be advantageous for resolving problems. But in circumstances such as abusive relationships, where direct confrontation could be detrimental, writing a letter can serve as an effective method to communicate your emotions and thoughts.
2. Schedule a psychic reading
One of the best ways to stop thinking about someone is to seek advice from a psychic advisor.
As an experienced psychic, I possess the ability to connect with your relationships, providing you the insights needed to find closure after a challenging breakup.
Regardless of who you wish to erase from your memory and the circumstances that led to this need for oblivion, a psychic reading provides the quickest pathway to receive answers.
3. Cut off all communication
While discussing matters can aid in achieving resolution in certain scenarios, ceasing contact may occasionally be the preferable option.
After all, you want to forget someone, so avoiding anything that triggers your memories could come in handy.
Start by blocking their phone number and removing them as a friend or follower on your social media platforms to avoid seeing their posts. You’re not completely cutting them off from your life. After some time apart to think about the relationship, it’s possible that you could remain friends in a respectful manner.
4. Get active
Staying idle gives your mind too much room to think about someone you want to forget.
Get up, go out, and keep your mind busy.
You have a range of options to choose from too. From hanging out with friends and rekindling an old hobby to hitting the gym.
The idea is to leave any space where you might be alone with your thoughts.
But whatever you do and wherever you go, avoid places and activities that remind you of the person you are trying to forget.
5. Get rid of reminders
Physical belongings are significant reminders. To stop thinking about someone, get rid of anything in your possession that belongs to them.
Unfortunately, these might even include gifts that you hold dear to your heart.
If there are things that you just can’t bring yourself to toss out, then put them away temporarily. Give them to a friend who can hold onto them until you are ready to move on.
6. Start dating again
If you weren’t dating for very long, you may want to go on one or two dates to boost your confidence and stop thinking about your ex.
Your brain is wired to get excited when you meet someone new, so it is a good distraction on those days you need it the most.
It’s also a good idea to find someone who is clearly different from your ex to avoid a repeat of your last relationship, and also to avoid triggering memories of your ex.
7. Just stop thinking about them
Sometimes, to stop thinking about someone, you need to force your mind to do so.
That might sound oversimplified, but it really is what it all boils down to.
Think about it — even when you think about how to stop thinking about someone, you are actually thinking about that person.
Clear your mind, assume control of your thoughts, and will yourself to stop thinking about her or him.
If you have difficulty doing this, try meditating or turning your focus to other things — anything at all. Any time a thought of them pops into your head, get up and do something else – funny YouTube videos always help.
This can be difficult to do at first, so don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t get it right from the beginning.
Bottom Line
Clearing someone out of your head is difficult, especially when that person was once an important part of your life. And sometimes, you might not be able to do it alone – know this is completely normal.
In such cases, an experienced psychic can provide you with the guidance you need to get over someone through an anonymous online reading. Our reviews of the best online psychic services should get you on the right track.